Get off your platforms, cancel your conference calls, stop your board meetings and business calls…. Lay down your swords , hang up your harps, and set down your bowls…..
Get low, real low, lay down every agenda, problem, promise, and strategy…
Yield your mind, will and emotions to the Holy Spirit as He is wanting to pour out an overflow of abundant glory and refined on you…
You must wait, listen and obey…You can’t be divided or distracted with vain glory or personal ministry or agenda…
This is the hour for the greatest release of power evangelism of the ages…
We must be ONE as our Lord and Father are ONE….
This will only happen is we stop what “WE ARE DOING”, and do what Holy Spirit IS DOING…
Our eyes and ears must be laser focused and our hearts completely yielded and aligned!
The Plum-line has dropped and we must align…the right and the left will both be removed.
Let him who has ears hear what the spirit of the LORD is speaking to the “Congregation”…
Please read AMOS Chapters 7-9