Sandra Bontemps
A few years ago while interceding in my prayer language for a precious powerful prayer and ministry partner,
I heard, not only in my spirit, but as though God was speaking almost aloud, in a great thundering voice,
And at the same time, I had a vision of a gyroscope, with a brightly colored blue, green and gold world globe in the center. The gyroscope was not spinning, rather lying on its side balanced upon the sharp point. Then almost immediately, I had a vision of the magnificent white statue of Jesus, standing on a high mountain, arms outstretched to the vast valley below, like the one in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
In the days following, I prayed into this for more revelation for my friend, for my individual personal life and ministry, and for our churches and our nation.
The very first thing I do when I receive a word of knowledge, wisdom and revelation from Holy Spirit is to go to God’s Word for more confirmation.
In these latter days, God is AWAKENING THE WARRIOR BRIDE OF CHRIST, the Corporate Church, to awaken and rise! "Arise! Shine! Your Light has come! And the Glory of the LORD is upon you!" Isaiah 60:1 As God has brought a new sound from Heaven, and shifted things greatly in the supernatural heavenly realm, this is reflected in the natural realm as well. He is calling us to ALIGN with Him, and shift and ADJUST our minds, hearts and attitudes to a new way of thinking!
God is calling us to live in the reality of the supernatural eternal KINGDOM GLORY REALM, in higher places as VICTORIUS OVERCOMERS! This is one of the signs of the end times as God is pouring out of His Spirit in greater ways than ever before. (Acts 2) He wants us to tap inot this higher supernatural realm of HIS KINGDOM POWER, AUTHORITY AND GLORY!
We are living in a day when God wants to draw us into His Holy Presence in a unique way to experience His Glory. Gory is the tangible manifestations of God’s Holy Spirit. God wants us to SEEK His Presence, to DWELL in His Presence and to LIVE with continual experience of His supernatural POWER, GLORY, MERCY, GRACE AND GOODNESS. When we encounter God’s Presence, this becomes an open Gate to Heaven. What a privilege and honor to be a Gatekeeper to the Glory of God!
The KEY is ALIGNING ourselves in the higher realm of AUTHORITY of God’s Word. We must pray that God will open our spiritual eyes, ears, hearts and minds, to see through His Eyes. To see what He sees! We are to make these ADJUSTMENTS, re-posturing, shifting our though perspective, believing, decreeing, living and walking this out in great FAITH with no doubts of God’s Word and the unseen supernatural reality of our living God, CREATOR OF ALL THE UINIVERSE!
Rather than limiting God, and ourselves, we need to tap into the UNLIMITED supernatural supply of Heaven! This is superior reality! And we can truly live, move and have our being IN HIM. (Acts 17:28) And we can minister through His heart, His love, and the passion of Christ Jesus.
BUT ARE YOU LIVING IN YOUR FULL POTENTIAL, THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST? Do you walk and live in the supernatural incredible KINGDOM POWER and AUTHORITY that God’s Holy Spirit gives you? Your unique individual DNA – Your Divine Design and natural gifts and abilities, as God created you to be, are now mixed with the supernatural, super rational, Spiritual DNA, His prophetic promises for you, are just waiting to be birthed!
Are you living in a ‘topsy- turvey’ world, with utter chaos, calamity, and confusion around you? Are you depressed, oppressed, angry, bitter, and resentful? If so, because of your wrongful thoughts, emotions and attitudes, Satan has you caught up in warfare! And his darkness is humanly manifested within and around you.
THERE IS HOPE IN JESUS! Do you know that you can operate by the opposite spirit? The Light and Love of Jesus dispels all darkness! He wraps Himself in Light, and darkness hides! But you must know that what you set your mind on, what you focus on, what you talk about, is what you will become. What you are on the inside will become what you are on the outside.
Did you know that this actually changes and empowers the ATMOSPHERE around you? And that you have Kingdom Power and Authority, within you, to establish a new atmosphere when you ALIGN yourself, your heart, mind, and spirit with God’s Kingdom laws? God’s supernatural laws and principles are greater than the natural realm.
God is calling His sons and daughters to bring His Kingdom down to earth, to fulfill your divine destiny and calling. You can call those things into existence that are not, as though they were. (Romans 4:17) Because of the sacrificial BLOOD OF JESUS, ALL that you need has been provided for and God will clarify your individual mission and ASSIGNMENT, and give you divine, strategic favor to do what He has called you to do. We thank Him, and give Him all Glory, Honor and Power!
What you focus on, and what you meditate on will manifest. This is why you need to spend time in God’s Word and meditate on it, both day and night. This is why you need to spend time in the SECRET PLACE IN INTIMACY WITH JESUS AND GOD HIS FATHER. It is in this PLACE, IN THIS POSITION, ALIGNED with God, where God gives you revelation, insight, wisdom and knowledge. This is where your dreams are conceived. And this is where God shows you His perspective.
This does not happen on its own! While God is shifting in the ATMOSPHERE IN THE HEAVENLY REALM, YOU MUST SHIFT YOUR THOUGHTS, YOUR FAITH, and set your mind on JESUS, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. With the supernatural power of God’s Holy Spirit indwelling you, you must ask God and call for His Holy Spirit to empower you.
You can have Victory rather than having a victim mentality.
You can have power over pity.
Even in bad circumstances, no matter how you ‘feel’ you can be MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU, and live, move and have your being in the supernatural RESURRECTION POWER AND KINGDOM AUTHORITY, walking in God’s supernatural realm, the KINGDOM OF LIGHT AND LOVE. You can ALIGN your hearts, minds, spirits and souls, with God’s thoughts and His Supernatural Eternal Reality. He will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you dream, think or imagine is possible! (Ephesians 3:14-21)
Spiritual Mother and Father Mentors ~ ALIGN your words with God’s Word. Remember the impact of your words! What you speak! You must observe your children, grandchildren and spiritual sons and daughters, from God’s Perspective. You know what God created them to be! When you speak, pray and declare that they are so loved and precious in His sight, and mighty, confident, bold, they become that! They may step into their Divine Destinies IN HIM rejoicing always, in great ASSURANCE, confidence and boldness of their ENDLESS POSSIBILITES of their God given dreams.